samburu national reserve

Collaring a giant elephant

Earlier this month, Save the Elephants fitted a satellite tracking collar on one of my favourite bulls – a giant of an elephant called Miguna Miguna. I have photographed many elephant collarings during my time in Kenya but this one was particularly special. Miguna is an interesting elephant. A dominant 38 year old bull, he visits Samburu National Reserve in Northern Kenya about once every 2-3 years to look for females. He’s one of only a few large bulls left as most were killed for their ivory. ⁣⁣Collaring a giant of Miguna’s size is not an easy feat and can[…]


Africa Geographic Photographic competition of the Year 2019

I’m delighted to announce that four of my photographs have been chosen for the Africa Geographic Photographic Competition of the Year, 2019. Three – impalas staring through the dust in Samburu National Reserve, flamingos in Namibia and Samburu woman, Mpayon with camel – were chosen in the weekly selection. My ‘Blue Steel’ leopard – also photographed in Samburu National Reserve – made it into the Instagram competition. Voting and judging closes April 30, 2019


Cheeky thieving monkeys

The vervet monkeys in Samburu National Reserve, Kenya are such characters … I love watching them at play – they jump all over the elephant collars on the branch outside, chase each other all over the river bank and swing off tree branches. They’re also opportunist thieves and since I’ve been here, they’ve swiped a banana from my hand, a bounty bar off the table and an entire bacon sandwich from a friend of mine as he was about to take a bite! It’s also not uncommon to find a monkey or two sitting in the wall of your outdoor shower[…]